Han Solo is captured in a moment of action, wielding his blaster pistol with confidence and swagger. This figurine pays tribute to the memorable scenes on Endor, where Han Solo...
Immortalising a pivotal moment in the Star Wars saga, this finely crafted tribute captures Princess Leia on the Forest Moon of Endor, gripping her blaster pistol. The figurine showcases Leia's...
A limited edition of 500 individually numbered pieces worldwide. A ominous hue exaggerates the menace of an already fearsome Darth Vader as he prepares to destroy those who doubt him....
A limited edition of 800 individually numbered pieces worldwide. C-3PO’s querulous nature sometimes makes him seem more human than android. Modeled in 24K gilded pewter, on a composite resin pedestal,...
Wielding the Force with sadistic pleasure, Darth Vader crushes anything standing in his way. The classical tradition of the portrait bust makes for an apt and highly dramatic treatment of...
A limited edition of 200 individually numbered pieces worldwide. Yoda’s remarkable bond with the Force has made him amongst the most formidable of Jedi Masters. Acutely receptive since a youngling,...
A limited edition of 300 individually numbered pieces worldwide. Beyond his powers, abilities and exploits, which are as well documented as they are celebrated, Yoda remains a great mystery. There...
A limited edition of 800 individually numbered pieces worldwide. Massed phalanxes of classic Empire-era stormtroopers, armoured in military tech, inspire awe as immediately as they do fear and intimidation. Replicating...
A limited edition of 1,000 individually numbered pieces worldwide. Bugs Bunny boasts a prodigious talent for cosplay, appearing in as many rib-tickling guises as there are storylines in his stellar...
A limited edition of 1,000 individually numbered pieces worldwide. Daffy Duck’s unique brand of screwball comedy sees him play a bewildering array of characters and roles in a vast range...
A limited edition of 500 individually numbered pieces worldwide. Grand Master Yoda?s wizened features tell of a life lived over nine centuries, in which time he has tutored generations of...